

Thank you for sparing me.

We did not lose our power.  We did not lose our heat. We did not have a tree blockade us in, and our driveway was plowed by morning. I was thankfully not one of the many people stranded in their cars for hours. I was not one of the many without power, getting cold, or sleeping by a fire.

I even enjoyed the snow, all 8 inches.

After a very productive night of working on some school assignments, I went outside around midnight to shovel for a little bit. I didn’t want our front walkway to freeze over and, oddly, I had quite a bit of energy still left. The stars were barely out but the sky had a clean, crisp air.

The snow was heavy and coated everything in deep bright white. Toppling trees bowed down to the ground to greet me. Sadie, one of our dogs, scratched at the front door. I let her out and we explored our lawn together, she intermittently trying to eat the snow and I watching. I quietly went back inside to get my camera–I wanted to play around with the shadows and the night.




I walked around and used our snow shovel to ‘free’ the trees from their heavy burden. I was fearful of losing our smaller trees, especially if the temperatures dropped and the branches froze. The branches lurched  back up to their comfortable height as the snow tumbled down all around me. I didn’t mind getting covered in snow, it was the least I could do to thank the snow gods.