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Road trip: Salt Lake City, UT to Portland, OR to Port Townsend, WA to San Juan Island and back.

Part 1 of road trip: Portland for just shy of a week.

Best friends are great. And I have been more than blessed with my best friend from college, Hailey. She is a rockin’ beautifully smart first year med student and I’ve missed her so much this year. I have never met someone with such a fierce attraction to happiness and a brightness that makes everyone around her shine. It is amazing how sometimes you can recognize and appreciate so much more traits in others when you’ve been away from them for awhile.

Tonight we went to a salsa party (not dancing) and won the best salsa of the night, a beautiful mango salsa creation with rosemary, onions and chili. Portland has a great saturday market where I walked away with an incredibly fun and witty game: “The Game of ‘REAL’ Life”, dog treats, and honey. Weather was nice overall, despite a downpour mid-afternoon with hail that could kill. Second time Hailey and I have been caught driving in a wickedly bad hail storm. We went to see the new X-MEN movie, which for not being a comic buff was really enjoyable. Maybe it had to do with the beautiful men in it. Or the ridiculously awesome fight scenes. 

Life is good.